How to Write an iTunes Podcast Review

leave a review on itunes

If you aren’t already subscribing to podcasts (regularly scheduled audio recordings) via iTunes, now’s the perfect opportunity to get started. The beauty of using iTunes (and the Podcast app for iOS) is that by subscribing, each time there’s a new episode from your favorite podcaster, you’ll automatically get it!

Since most podcasts are free, one of the great ways you can support your favorite podcasters (in addition to subscribing and sharing) is to write a review on iTunes. These reviews are seen by other people and may help them decide whether or not to give a podcast a shot. They’re also considered by iTunes and help a show’s ratings, so your review of On Track Tips will mean a great deal to me!

If you’ve never left a review on iTunes before, there’s just a few steps to walk through, so let’s get started!

How To Write an iTunes Review

First, head on over to my Podcast channel here:

This is what my iTunes Preview looks like:

iTunes Preview

Look for the blue “View in iTunes” button in the left sidebar and click on that to open iTunes on your computer.

That will open the On Track Tips podcast channel within iTunes.

(Note: If you are on a PC and you haven’t installed iTunes yet, you’ll be prompted to install it which is quick and easy. Next you’ll need an AppleID and this is also very quick to get started)


iTunes Subscribe

While you’re here, be sure to click on the Subscribe button on the left side just under the “Get On Track, Stay On Track” On Track Tips red logo. Thanks for that!

Next, click on Ratings and Reviews. This will reveal all of the current ratings and reviews that our fans have so generously left, and provide you with an opportunity to do the same.

Above the existing reviews you’ll see a series of stars where you can rate the show from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 stars of course being the best — “It’s great!”

Since you’re logged into your personal iTunes account, Apple will know that rating is from you.

iTunes Rate

Next, click on the Write A Review button. This will bring up a brief pop-up window in which you can type a title and text of your review. If you haven’t already chosen a star rating, you can do so here as well.

Write in what you want to say about the show and click on Submit. And that’s it! Apple will review the comment for appropriateness, and then publish it within 24 hours generally.

Don’t panic if you don’t see your review immediately, it takes some time.

What to Say in an iTunes Review

Now, I’m not going to tell you what to say in a review about my show, nor am I even going to tell you it needs to be a positive review (though those are appreciated!). Constructive criticism is certainly welcome too.

However, if it’s your intention to support mine or someone else’s show, it might be helpful to review the kinds of things you might say for greatest effect.

First, explain the benefit. What is it that you get out of these shows that’s so great?

Second, mention who you think might be interested. Are these shows for business owners? Parents? Fans of The Grateful Dead? Whomever you think would benefit most, mention them.

Third, if you can, pull in a quote or line from one of your favorite episodes. If the speaker said something once that really impacted you, share that with other readers.

Finally, encourage readers to subscribe to the podcast. That’s the one thing they can do for themselves right at that moment that’s going to help them the most long-term. So remind them!

Note that reviews are limited to 300 words. Also avoid one-word reviews, profanity, comments unrelated to the show, or inserting of links. Reviews with those aspects are likely to not be approved by Apple. Other than approving or disapproving, there is no editing done by Apple on reviews, so also take the time to check your review for appropriate spelling and grammar. Since these reviews are public and associated with your iTunes account name, they reflect as much on you as the show you’re reviewing.

To participate in Ratings & Reviews or Questions & Answers, you must agree to the Apple Community Terms of Use.

So if you haven’t already, please stop by my On Track Tips show at  and subscribe and leave me a review, and you’ll have my eternal gratitude. And while you’re there, be sure to catch up on any old episodes you might have missed!

If you have any questions at all about leaving a review or subscribing to On Track Tips, please let me know in the comments below.

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Host of "Get on Track, Stay on Track" weekly interview series, helping your small business one expert at a time. And CEO of Wiser Sites, a general contractor and marketing agency - connecting your customers with your products.

7 Comments on “How to Write an iTunes Podcast Review

  1. Can someone post a review without using her real name? Will that person’s email get spammed? Can readers see the person’s email? My email is my apple id. (it even identifies the county I live in) That’s why I have not wanted to review my favorite podcasts.

    • That is a good question and I’m sorry I don’t have the answer. I understand your concern to getting spammed. I can tell you that I have left several reviews and have not gotten spammed.
      I think there are easier ways for spammers to scrape emails then to go into iTunes, so I think you are pretty safe.

  2. I have ****1 now showing on someoneones podcast and looking at their review list they are all five stars and then there is a single star. I think I caused that. How do I fix that so I’m not hurting the pocaster?

    • It depends on which platform you used to leave the review. In most cases, you can go in and change your review rating.

      • Thanks Jason. Can you review more than one episode in a podcaster’s stream? Can you make multiple reviews of a single episode? Does exceeding the limits cause the podcaster to get penalized? How can you let whoever know so they won’t be penalized?

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